
early twenties
hyur, midlander
male, he/him
gay gay homosexual gay
relationship status
other relatives

short, blonde with dark streaks
pale yellow; if one looks closely, his left eye is noticeably paler than his right.
slight, lean, wiry but not especially muscular
distinguishing marks
two symmetrical scars on his face, one on either cheek
common accessories
an earring dangling from his left ear; the style sometimes varies, but he rarely wears one to match on his other ear.

adventurer, part-time magical researcher
reading, studying, travel
eorzean common (spoken, written); allagan (written only)
a small basement apartment in Ul’dah, which he shares with stacks upon stacks of musty, aged tomes.
combat in close quarters; losing his identity; open water, drowning, and the deep sea; death.

( history placeholder )
( still working on it. check back later!!! )

the hermit

The following information is highly classified and to be kept strictly confidential. Any Imperial personnel who have encountered this screen without having been authorized to view its contents are advised to exit immediately and report the incident to their commanding officer at once. Any violation of this policy shall be punished in accordance to the severity of the offense.

Day 32 of 7 A.M. Year 5 of 7 U. E.What follows is a collection of records and information, as compiled on the date indicated above, pertaining to archaeological find XX-XXX recovered by imperial officials stationed at Castrum Marinum in Western Eorzea. Research is still ongoing as of   Update, Year 4 of 7 A. E.: Following the Emerald Weapon incident and subsequent final withdrawal of imperial forces from Castrum Marinum, all research into the subject code named “Mark I” has been formally halted. The information contained within this document is to be preserved for archival purposes only.

Summary: A freight container, appearing to be of Allagan make, containing (I) an active temporal stasis chamber and (II) a collection of numerous encrypted tomestones. Once deciphered, the contents of (II) were found to directly pertain to the contents of (I). A summation of these findings, as well as those obtained through studies conducted by our own researchers, is as follows:

Designation: “Mark I”
Apparent race/sex: Midlander hyur, male
Physical condition: Extremely poor
Aetherial condition: Extremely high

Further records indicate the inclusion of an additional stasis chamber, identical to (I), housing a “Mark II” within aforementioned freight container, but this subject has yet to be recovered.

Physical characteristics of note:Eyes: Clouded over with white. Display no apparent response to visual stimuli. Aetheric analysis indicates a possibility that the subject employs a technique known to Eorzeans as “aethersight” to substitute actual, physical sight.Mask: Tomestone records indicate that this device is in fact a breathing apparatus which supplies the subject not only with additional air, but also sufficient aether for sustaining life functions. The effects of removing said apparatus are yet unknown, but further records imply that the subject will struggle to survive without it. Records also indicate the apparatus serves to prevent (or at least greatly hinder) the subject’s capacity for speech; however, observation reports from our own researchers have recorded unusual sounds emanating from within the device, or perhaps created by it in junction with the subject’s own vocal cords.Neurolink: Remnants of an experimental neurolink apparatus can be seen embedded into the flesh above the subject’s collarbone. Tomestone records indicate that this particular apparatus was developed by the subject’s original creator, an Allagan aetherochemical researcher named Damophon, over the course of the man’s experimentation with increasing efficiency in neurolink technology, and was installed so as to curb the experimental subject’s fits of aggression, which were most often directed at Damophon himself.
        WARNING: The mechanism which controls this device has been lost to time, but a combination of temporal decay and general biological incompatibility has caused the neurolink’s rate of malfunction to sharply increase. As a result, it now administers painful shocks at random and without warning, and the frequency with which it does so is only increasing as the apparatus continues to fail. As a result, the subject’s behavior may become erratic and overtly aggressive without warning, and researchers are advised to employ additional safety measures before conducting their studies.

Thorough testing has indicated that although the subject is extremely physically frail, it is also possessed of an extraordinary and innate capability for all manner of aetherial manipulation. Among Damophon’s writings can be found various references as to the subject representing the pinnacle of his research into aetherobiology, as well as expanding the efficiency thereof. Further experiments and testing have shown that, remarkably, the subject requires no foci to cast magic or redirect ambient aether, as its own body is sufficient for such purposes. In this way, it is theorized that the subject may potentially draw upon, and thus expend, amounts of aether comparable to an eikon.Additional records as written by Damophon speculate upon the possibility of the subject’s ability to traverse great distances, i.e. teleportation magic, without the aid of an aetheryte beacon. For obvious reasons, our ability to test this capability is limited until such a time as we are able to track the subject’s movements and easily bring it back into our custody.When spurred to aggression, the subject has on seldom occasion been shown to conjure a weapon of pure aether with apparently great ease. Further testing on this matter has proven inconclusive, however, as the subject has also shown reluctance to engage in violence beyond what is necessary for its own defense.

the hanged man

After untold lives were lost to Mushusshu’s fang and claw, ultimately the dragon’s pride proved to be its undoing, for Lieutenant General Andriskos issued forth a challenge of single combat, and it was in this way that the Lieutenant General claimed Mushusshu’s head, and it was for this deed that Andriskos was awarded the rank of General Commander.    — Excerpt from An Illustrated Guide to Notable Dragons of Meracydia, a rare Allagan tome which contains the only reference discovered thus far to a general named Andriskos. Evidence has been found of the man's name being stricken from other records of note, but any reason as to why remains a topic of pure speculation.

Date: XX - X - XXXX.Met prospective new patron today. First impressions: Direct. Well-spoken. Vain, but not overly narcissistic. Confident in his power, if insecure in his mortality. As equally well-versed in the intricacies of court politics and noble society as he is in matters of war and conquest. Intelligent enough to avoid the traps laid out before him by Amon and his ilk, but not quite so much that he can see the noose already tightening about his neck. Quite attractive in profile, if only from his right side; such a terrible shame about his left.Most importantly, the man is possessed of a favorable temperament and more than enough material wealth to suit my needs. Construction of Arachnion proceeds apace, and he is more than willing to divert funds toward its completion so long as he receives of the fruit of my labor; a simple promise, all too easily fulfilled. Yes, he will serve me rather nicely.

    — Excerpt from the personal writings of Damophon. As an aetherochemical researcher of the late Allagan era, he is best known today for his research into preserving one’s continuity of consciousness during transference of the soul into various media, both organic and inorganic. To this end he made numerous innovations in the field of cloning technology, some of which have been mistakenly attributed to his more infamous colleague and counterpart Amon. In fact, the entirety of his body of work might have been thusly misattributed had it not been for the man’s habit of meticulously chronicling his day-to-day activities, no matter how mundane.    Among these meticulously-kept notes can be found detailed records of Damophon’s many patrons: Allagan nobles of varying renown, each one bearing deep investment in the idea of immortalizing their names through contributions to science, or quite literally immortalizing themselves through Damophon’s discoveries. Only one such patron is never referred to by name, nor does Damophon attribute to him any other identifying information, as he indicates this particular patron’s funding is to be directed strictly toward a project ‘of utmost secrecy and import.’ Nevertheless, Damophon seems to have taken great interest in this chosen venture, as his writings on the matter — those which have been discovered thus far, to wit — indicate a level of vigor and enthusiasm rarely seen in his other reports. Such interest is likewise shared with his mysterious patron, with whom he associates only a coded name: the Hanged Man.



full-time adventurer, part-time everything else.   Robyn is a skilled spellcaster who primarily makes his living through adventuring, traveling all over Eorzea and doing whatever it is the common folk need done. Between travels, though, he most often calls Ul’dah home, and can commonly be found doing odd jobs for the various guilds of the city. Of late, however, he has found steady employment with the Moonshadows Archive, where he serves as a wielder of magic as well as an expert on all things Allagan. a special interest.   Robyn is keenly interested in the history of the Allagan Empire and all related matters therein, such that his research into the subject has resulted in an expertise which matches his magic ability. Though he bears no formal accreditation from any institute of learning, he nevertheless volunteers himself as an expert wherever such knowledge might be needed — especially when it comes to matters of Allagan relics, superweapons, and other remnants of the empire’s past which may yet be slumbering in a dormant state, awaiting the intervention of some plucky band of adventurers before spinning up the destruction of Eorzea, or perhaps even the entire star. an unclear past.   When the subject of his history comes up in conversation, Robyn’s answer is ever consistent: that he was attacked by monsters while traveling through Thanalan just a few years ago, and that he awoke in the Silver Bazaar with no memory of his past or identity. Though he’s not particularly secretive about his amnesia, he’s rarely interested in discussing the matter any further, not even with others who might share his condition. black magic, white magic, sword magic, book magic.   Having studied extensively under the thaumaturges’ guild of Ul’dah, Robyn is most skilled when it comes to conjuring elemental magicks for the purpose of combat and destruction. In the interest of bettering his self-defense, he recently took to using a blade alongside a gem-based focus for his spellcasting, in a style that was both inspired by and superficially similar to that which is employed by red mages; after a recent, unspecified “incident,” however, he has been left utterly unable to wield a blade in this manner. He has since turned his efforts to the grimoire, using his studies on the Allagan art of summon primal energies to further strengthen his arcanima. let’s try more sword, less magic.   Recent experiences have led Robyn to the belief that he needs to become stronger to protect those he cares about, not just magically, but physically, as well. To this end, he seeks a tutor who can train him in the art of the blade — preferably a bigger blade than the one he uses to cast spells with — but given his current level of skill in actual melee combat with an actual sword (which is to say almost none), and his current struggles with picking up a blade in the first place, where can he even begin his search…?


the incident; side A. Perhaps you’ve worked with the Brass Blades, either into the present day or at any point within the past five or so years. Some veteran Blades still grumble about “one that got away,” a probable Garlean deserter — quite the big catch, indeed. To hear them tell the story, the man had been found lost in the desert under unusual circumstances, dressed in even more unusual garb, both strange enough occurrences on their own but painting a damning story when combined with the recent commotion at the nearby Castrum Marinum. Without hard proof to counter the local chirurgeon’s claims that the man was in a state of shock and had lost all sense of his identity and past, or that he had suffered grievous injury against one of the local fauna and therefore could not possibly be an enemy combatant, the Blades were forced to leave their big catch behind. But now that there are rumblings of an Eorzean land operation into Garlemald, or even the possibility of peace with the empire, time is quickly running out to claim any remaining bounties on hidden Garlean heads... the incident; side B. Maybe instead you fought for Garlemald, whether as a proud volunteer or whether you were conscripted into service, and reported to Castrum Marinum on the Eorzean front at some point following the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Depending on your rank, you may have been told directly, or perhaps you only heard whispered rumors of dubious veracity, of the tremendous archaeological find that had been made just meters out to sea from the Castrum itself: a hulking Allagan wreck beneath the Rhotano, seemingly unearthed by the sheer seismic energy following Dalamud’s fall. Supposedly some manner of Allagan weaponry was contained within the wreck, and apparently it remained in good enough condition to warrant further study by Garlemald’s finest minds...but if any hope remained of recovering these top-secret studies, much less the subject thereof, after Operation Archon saw Rhitatyn sas Arvina slain and the XIVth Legion all but driven out from Eorzea, that hope was surely dashed for good after the conclusion of the Emerald Weapon incident. If anyone today would have any idea what the Empire could have found lurking in the deep, it would most certainly be an expert on all things Allagan like Robyn Lanner... Right? two of them (two of them). Or perhaps you’re already acquainted with Robyn; perhaps you met him while studying Allag or the magical arts, or maybe you once shared an adventure with him, or maybe your paths crossed in some other way. It may just be that you’ve seen him very recently — albeit as a ghostly white apparition lurking in the distance, vanishing into the aether the very instant one draws too close... Such visions have been occurring all across Eorzea, in the places where he has been known to frequent or once had his most harrowing adventures — the back alleys of the Goblet and Ul’dah, the Sea of Clouds, the Temple of Qarn, and Azys Lla, to name a few — and all unbeknownst to Robyn himself. Maybe someone should let him know what’s going on...?

OOC information

valya! (she/her)
time zone
EST/EDT (US time)

★ only seeking RP partners who are 21+, please. ★walkups/tells welcome when status is set to RP! if my status is not set — i’m probably just bumming around doing MSQ and other OOC stuff, but feel free to send a tell anyway! if you’d like to set up a scene, feel free to reach out so we can discuss availability/scheduling!potentially open to mature/dark themes; please don’t hesitate to contact me OOC if you have any questions or concerns! additionally, soliciting ERP without any prior OOC communication or IC development will be firmly but respectfully turned down.